Alexis was one of my wonderful high school senior reps! We had a total of three sessions. We started off in the spring of her junior year to get some photos to start advertising with. We lucked out and had THE most beautiful sunset for that one. It created wonderful dappled light through the trees in Conservation Park in Alma, Michigan. We headed to an open field after to frolic in the light.
For session number two, we left Gratiot County and headed to Grand Rapids! It's one of my favorite places for photoshoots. There are so many wonderful urban settings and murals. A couple of my favorite spots are The Blue Bridge, "Currents to Unknown" on Ionia Ave, and the flower mural at the Grand Rapids Ballet. Then if you go just outside the city you can head to a place called Provin Trails. It's full of beautiful trees and a giant section of sand right in the middle!
For our last session we photographed a cap and gown mini in my studio in Ithaca, Michigan! It was the perfect ending to a wonderful year creating magical photos.