Last September I photographed two weddings in a row at A Little Patch of Heaven in Carson City, Michigan! Aftan and Justin’s was one then Justine and Ranger’s was the other! Mandi of Meadow and Lark Photography came along to shoot this one with me so she handled the guys beforehand and I stayed with the girls! Unlike the Lalk wedding, this wedding had the ceremony take place in a separate location. The original plan was to have it back in the woods on their family farm, but the weather had other plans. The night before and morning of was so rainy that the woods were far too wet. The guys ended up throwing together an alternate location up on the farm on the same day! I can’t believe how quickly they made it happen and how amazing it ended up turning out. It was a gorgeous backdrop for their ceremony photos.

There were so many special moments during the ceremony. While getting ready, I had asked Justine if she thought Ranger was going to cry. She was 100% sure the answer was no. Boy was she wrong. As she began walking down the aisle, Ranger ended up crying harder than any other groom from any wedding I’ve photographed. It was so sweet and I doubt there was a dry eye in the house. Another incredible moment during the ceremony happened right as it began. A monarch butterfly landed on Justine’s bouquet and stayed there not only the entire ceremony, but for all of their family photos as well! During the ceremony, Justine and Ranger decided to include an awesome tradition I had never seen before. They had each of their guests pass around a dendritic agate. It’s a stone that brings fullness and abundance to all areas of life, a stone of plentitude, and it creates a peaceful environment and encourages the enjoyment of each moment. What a perfect symbol for beginning a marriage!

Collage of wedding gown, rings, and the bride getting ready. Her dog kisses her face in one.
Collage of the groom getting ready and him and his groomsmen in photos on their family farm. Grey suits.
Groom and groomsmen in front of a tractor and rolls of hay. They wear light grey suits.
Black and white photo of groom looking off to his right while holding his jacket.
Collage of the bride and bridesmaids in front of an old barn. Bridesmaids wear light pink gowns, bride's dress is lace.
Bride and bridesmaids smiling at each other while standing in front of an old red barn with vines.
Black and white photo of the bride looking down while her veil is being held to blow off camera.
Bride giving the groom's dad a letter asking him to walk with her and her dad. Bride's dog. Bride smiling.
Collage of the bride coming down the aisle and the groom crying.
Wedding guests passing a dendritic agate around during the ceremony.
Collage of the bride and groom exchanging vows and kissing.
Bride's hand with her mother's, grandmother's, and great grandmother's. Bride hugging mom. Monarch butterfly on bouquet.
Bride and groom holding hands, walking, and smiling at each other in front of the old barn.
Collage of the bride and groom posing in front of the barn. Their dogs included in one.
The wedding party standing and smiling in front of an old red barn.
Wedding party posing in front of an old red barn.
Fun photos of the wedding party: guys with bouquets, girls with suit jackets, everyone walking and smiling.
Very wide shot of the bride and groom walking through a field with woods behind them. There is a blue sky with clouds.
Collage of the bride and groom posing together and separately in a field. Her veil is cathedral length and blows.
Collage of the bride and groom embracing and holding hands in front of a field with golden sunset light behind them.
Bride and groom with hands laced together smiling at each other in front of a field at sunset.
Black and white photo of the bride and groom dancing in the barn with lights behind them.
Collage of all of the formal dances inside the barn. Lights are strung from the ceiling.